Château de Pierreclos

144, chemin du château 71960 Pierreclos
144, chemin du château 71960 Pierreclos
Château de Pierreclos is a historic family wine estate and one of the oldest vineyards in Burgundy.

Pierreclos takes its name from the rocky spur planted with vines since the 6th century, known as "Petra Clausa", which meant "Clos de Pierre"; it was owned by the canons of Saint-Vincent de Mâcon and then by the Benedictine monks of Cluny Abbey.

Today, through our various activities, we share this unique cultural heritage with you.
Together, let's continue to preserve and maintain it for future generations.

The PIDAULT family and team
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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