Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne - Beaune

Parc de la Chartreuse 21200 Beaune
Parc de la Chartreuse 21200 Beaune
The Cité des Climats et Vins de Bourgogne is a network of three cultural and tourist sites located in three emblematic areas of the Burgundy vineyards: Chablis, Beaune and Mâcon.

Open to all, from novices to enthusiasts, the Cité de Beaune invites you to discover all the riches of this great vineyard shaped by man through friendly, sensory and educational experiences for young and old.

A true multi-sensory plunge into the world of wine and vines, the immersive tour reveals the infinite cultural wealth and diversity of Burgundy wines. Visitors can also take advantage of workshops and tasting courses, and a varied programme of events throughout the year.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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