Halte fluviale de Deluz

26 rue de la Papeterie 25960 Deluz
26 rue de la Papeterie 25960 Deluz
The Deluz river stop has been awarded the Tourism&Disability label for the reception of people travelling on the cycle route: tourist information at the reception desk, a room without bags, toilets and a shower for people with reduced mobility.

It was awarded the 2018 "Pavillon Bleu" label and since 2020, it has also been awarded the "Accueil Vélo" label. Our cyclists will be able to take advantage of the kits necessary for the maintenance or small repairs of their cycle.
We also offer the sale of repair materials.

We offer electric bike rental with packages that can be adapted from one hour to several days.

Tricycle and individual rosalia are also available for hire.

The Deluz stopover is not only for boaters. It is also open to all tourists or walkers passing through on the cycle route: cyclists and pedestrians. An open-air room is available for everyone to eat under cover, as well as sanitary facilities for those who need them.
Boaters can take advantage of the adjoining cycle route, the famous Eurovélo6! Fishing rods are available.
The harbour master's office offers board games or leisure activities (shuffleboard, beach tennis, etc.) for a fun break in the middle of your activity, whether it be on the river, on foot or on a bicycle.
Finally, the Deluz Harbour Master's Office, like Saint Paul, has a relaxation area where ice creams and hot or cold drinks are sold.
Wifi, sanitary facilities, non-sacred room
This stop is one of the three river stops in the Greater Besançon area.
- the Moulin Saint-Paul stopover
- the Cité des Arts stopover
- the Deluz stopover
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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